Saturday, January 5, 2008

Video of our boy who's one month old (adjusted) today

Today Colby is one month old with his adjusted age. This simply means that although he's been with us for over 4 months, his due date was December 5th his time since normal delivery date is one month as of today. Tracey was reading the "What to expect the first year" (Thank you for the book Liz!) and it said that at this point, he should be tearing up to cry, making eye contact, etc. And he's right on task!

He had a decent night last night. He was grunting and groaning in his sleep quite a bit and that tends to wake me. But other than that, he did well. For those of you who have had children, where did the baby stay? In your room? In his/her room? Did you sleep in a different room with him/her?
My mom came to visit yesterday and then my dad and stepmom came to visit today. So Colby got to visit with his family a bit. That was really nice.
My aunt Kate gave us a boppy pillow and we just love it. What a great invention! We call it his big boy seat because we put it on the couch beside us and prop him up in it. It looks like he's sitting there watching the world go by.
I don't have too many words today as I'm tired. One more night and then it's Tracey turn....mmmmm, sleep.

Thank you to all of you who have already sent me pictures! I'll probably wait until mid next week to post them in order to allow everyone who wants to send in pics the time to do so.


Anonymous said...

Colby looks really great :) I love the video, he's so alert and so cute. I agree the Boppy is a great invention.

Tyler slept in our room for three months after he came home, in his own for a month while our house was on the market, back with us for three months at the inlaws while awaiting our new house, and finally in his own at ten months. He never had a problem transitioning from one place to another. He always slept better in his own room (he had his apnea monitor until he was 7 months). Our youngest Addison slept in our bed until she was six months, now at nine months, tonight is her first night in her room!!! Totally unlike Tyler, she knows it's different, and she's not happy about it.

Before we went through the preemie experience, we said our kids would never be in our room. Now, I could care less. They're only babies once, if Addie ends up in our room till she's five, that's fine...we'll cherish every slumber party (Tyler's on our floor tonight, Addie was screaming too loud. His speech is limited, but on the monitor he kept signing "help", and saying, "mama, baby, mama, baby"). I love my video monitor.

Anonymous said...

The boppy pillow is one of the greatest baby inventions ever. It has so many uses. Colby has so much to say! I think Hamilton will become more interested in Colby as time goes on. Especially when colby starts getting into solids. Hamilton will be happy to clean him up.

Anonymous said...

I want to reach through the computer screen and pinch those cheeks! Colby looks fantastic.

I agree on the Boppy - at 2 and a half Cooper still loves to curl-up in it when he gets to watch a movie.

Cynthia said...

I loved the end watching Colby watch the toy as he sucked his pacifier. Great multi-tasking, little guy!!

Our daughter was bottle fed. She slept in the bassinet in our room. Whoever was "on" that night slept with her. The person who was off, slept in the guest room for minimal interruptions. This lasted 6 weeks until she slept for longer periods. Then she went into her own room. With the twins, we all spent the first 6 weeks at home together in our room. I was nursing them and since there were two, Brian needed to help with every feeding. There were no nights "off" that time around!

The noises are distracting. I swear Alaina would sleep for three hour stretches in the beginning, but I would only sleep for one. The first hour she slept she was vocal and the last hour she was more vocal - haha! Sleep will come with time.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys…Hannah slept in her crib from day one…I did try the bassinet, but all she did was cry in it. You two are lucky to take husband was injured in the line of duty (you already know that), and it was just Hannah and I. It was hard, but we got through it. Colby looks great...and super CUTE!!!
Love, Mary and Hannah

Anonymous said...

It is amazing... looking at pictures, and watching the video reminds Jordan and I of when Maleia was that small, and doing those things. They grow up so fast!!!

Maleia slept in a bassinet for 6 months, in our room. She was so tiny, and quite I was afraid of SIDS, or I wouldn't be able to hear her over the baby monitor. I started off, putting her in the crib for naps during the day at 5 and 1/2 months, to see how she would do. Then at 6 months she started sleeping in her crib at night, but if she woke up during the night I would feed her and put her in the bassinet. It took about 1 week for her to be comfortable in her crib at night. She has slept through the night since day one, so for her to be in her own room, it was like she knew I wasn't right there.

He is doing great!!! Poor Hamilton... he looked so sad. :( But, he will figure out that Colby will be his best friend!!!

Jamie, Jordan, and Maleia